Julian Caridi

Julian Caridi was born in Barranquilla, Colombia. He currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, where he is engaged in abstract painting. His work reflects an interest in memory and the non-linear notion of time: the present, the past and the future merge in the line of his paintings. Each piece is the manifestation of his experiences and relationships with others and with himself, made with the urgency of now. Certain recurring symbols in his work —such as the heart, the circle and the flower— constantly evolve, not only visually, but also because they acquire different meanings according to each creation. In addition to his use of mixed materials and self-taught techniques, Julián uses the titles of his paintings to give his pieces an additional dimension. Through color and text, he invites the viewer to look within themselves, to find their own truth, even if only for a moment.

Julien Bouguennec photographed Julian in his Brooklyn Studio.

Read the full Q&A below.



Morning routine: wake up no breakfast go to studio. Chug a water or something.

Drink of choice: jugo de lulo.

Favorite workout: futbol.

Current uniform: LERET LERET No. 43 , navy pants, white crocs.


Song or album on repeat: Leonard Cohen.

Most-used app: Venmo and Maps. I be lost af.

Podcast: Darknet Diaries. 

TV show you’re watching: White Lotus.

Last movie you saw: Balls of fury.

Artist who inspires you at the moment: Anselm Kiefer.


Self-care strategies: my hair gets knotted. Brush my teeth and lotion my face.

Place where you go to relax: Upstate.

Off-duty activity or hobby: video games. Fifa. Backgammon too. And poker too.

Guilty pleasure to (wonderfully) waste your time: watching TV.


Smartest advice ever received: have a good heart.

Most inspiring trip: China.

Best gift you ever got: Amor.

Most memorable meal: a meal in China. I stayed with a family and they made a fish stew. The best potatoes and the best fish ever. I’ll always remember.



Three objects you think will stand the test of time: diamonds, trees, earth metals. 


What’s your next project?
Doing large scale stuff

What are you looking forward to in 2023?
Connections and friendships


Ten years from now, you will: be where im supposed to be.

Invention or innovation you most want to see in the future: universal access to food and water.


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